細胞離子ion測量系統,Complete Ion Measurement Systems
細胞離子ion測量系統,Complete Ion Measurement SystemsArrowLabb(TM) Systems are complete all-in-one measurement systems. Instead of spending time purchasing equipment separately, ArrowLabb(TM) Systems combines your entire measurement solution into a single box. The most unique feature about ArrowLabb(TM) Systems is that you these complete systems not only measure, but they also graph and tabulate data directly on your PC in an easy to use format using a unique software program.
After the success of our ArrowDox(TM) Micro Redox Measurement System and ArrowStraight(TM) Nitric Oxide measurement system, we have developed a large selection of all-in-one measurement systems which measure, tabulate and graph in one complete out-of-the-box solution. We now have systems for pH, redox, ions, nitric oxide and flow thru electrodes.
Below is a list of ion systems we have created. Each system is geared towards a different type of research of sample type.